Jan's NEW Book is on PreOrder
The Felt Sense Polyvagal Model (FSPM) is a radical departure from the norm. Traditional models of talk therapy try to figure problems out in your head, using your thoughts as your guiding light. This is a tragic mistake. Our culture has forgotten that we live in our bodies. But our bodies have not forgotten us…the body speaks to us in many ways.
– Jan Winhall

Release date: March 18, 2025 as paperback, e-book, and audiobook
Shipping on March 18, 2025
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20 Embodied Practices for Healing Trauma and Addiction
Using the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model
This new book is a practical extension of my earlier work, “Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model” (2021), which was tailored for clinicians and mental health experts. Designed for both professionals and their clients, 20 Embodied Practices for Healing Trauma and Addiction emphasizes hands-on application. It introduces four core concepts of the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™ and guides the reader through 20 embodied practices to recognize their body’s capacity for sensing safety and cultivating a grounded felt sense.
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What this book is about...
What if addiction, dissociation, and other manifestations of trauma were not framed as diseases or disorders, but rather as adaptive methods of regulating the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? This book takes that approach, and guides readers through 20 embodied practices that promote the rewiring of the ANS. By integrating the latest neuroscience from Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory with Eugene Gendlin’s embodied felt sense, Jan Winhall’s Felt Sense Polyvagal Model is a paradigm-shifting, deeply somatic approach to healing trauma and addiction.
Trauma and addiction heal in tandem with this paradigm-shifting approach.
Readers are presented with two vital tools for healing: learning how to recognize and rewire their autonomic state, and finding the felt sense of somatic wisdom. This compassionate and inviting model centers the intelligence of the body to allow for deep healing, and these 20 step-by step exercises present an accessible approach for clinicians, their clients, and anyone on the journey to healing from trauma and addiction. The book’s exercises are uniquely designed to be completed either with a mental health professional, another person engaged in this embodied process (a felt sense partner), or both.

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Also available from Caversham Booksellers and Amazon (US) and Amazon (EU)
Jan also has edited chapters in these books:
Somatic-Oriented Therapies (2025)
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